Wednesday, 25 April 2012

There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing

Apparently! Actually I do kind of agree with this, well mostly, of course some weather conditions are impossible to be properly dressed for, unless you count being wrapped up warm inside the house!

Windy weather for example. You cannot stop the wind finding any bare bit of skin, however small, especially if it is icy cold. Also torrential rain is not much fun.

But the one that I struggle with is April showers. Bright sunshine one minute, chucking it down the next. This is doubly difficult if you are going out on a ride, if you wear full waterproofs you are going to sweat like a pig, but will stay dry if it rains (which it won't - Sods Law) but if you go out in just normal clothes with perhaps a fleece to stop the slight chill, you can guarantee it will hose it down and you will be weighed down by a sopping wet fleece.

Today I got soaked. The sort of soaked where water is running down your face despite looking like a right eejit with a hood up and all the cords pulled tight. My muckers are soggy on the inside, my jodphurs were shrinkwrapped to my legs and my gloves were sopping. I got very wet yesterday too, and the day before and I am very likely to get wet tomorrow. We are in a drought you see, so of course it is raining - a lot. It is that Sods Law again.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Easter Holidays, unpredictable British weather and getting back into the swing of things

We have just had the Easter Hols. My daughter is only 4yrs old, so only at pre-school but who knew what a difference 3hrs a day makes! She is very good really, but this last week has been getting bored and restless, this seems to be catching and so her brother (20months) is also bored and restless. This would be ok, except for the manic energy that seems to accompany bored and restless. The Easter chocolate probably doesn't help - well, it helps me  (but sadly not my waistline)

In true British style the weather has been unpredictable at best, downright miserable at worst. We have tried to get some days out, which have mostly been ok. The kids have had fun and I have been able to collect some smug good mummy points.

I haven't been able to do much with the horses over the holidays. I seem to spend so much energy trying to keep the kids happy and occupied that I have nothing left for anything other than the bare essentials.

So, it is now Monday morning. School and playgroups don't start back up til tomorrow, which gives me a day of trying to get organised. My post-Easter low carb diet starts today, the washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher and possibly cooker are going to be on almost non-stop and I will somehow have to convince these kids that a bath and hairwash followed by an early night is a good idea. Hmmmm.....