Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Week 2

Monday - it is very wet here this week, but at least easier to deal with than snow! The gelding has perked up a lot in the last couple of days and his mud fever is at last under control. Feeling a bit stiff after riding at the weekend (quite embarassing really)

Tuesday - Quite productive so far; I am on my second load of washing, I have built a Duplo house and a train track, packed up an 'emergency' box for the car and I am currently making an enormous cottage pie for tonight's dinner, in an attempt to get us eating more healthily (standards have slipped recently) Exercising either horse is looking unlikely today.

Thursday - The gelding is recovering from his mud fever and starting to look quite perky. A friend came up to ride with a view to making it a more regular thing, but unfortunately the mare was a complete and utter trollop! Turns out she has wrenched herself pretty badly (when she slipped at the weekend) and is quite sore, so a week of loose lunging ahead. Drag hunting is looking unlikely :(

Friday - This morning I took the boy to soft play in an attempt to wear him out, it worked a treat! So I had plenty of time to loose lunge the mare, she was quieter than usual, which is no bad thing!

Sunday - I have managed to lunge the mare yesterday and today and I am happy to say there is a definite improvement. The gelding has been loose schooled too and looking very pleased with himself. He doesn't seem to realise he is not attached to a lunge line and so trots around you in a perfect circle, the strange beast!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Week 1

I am aiming to go drag hunting in March. This gives me 8 weeks to get myself and the mare fit. It is achievable, if I stick at it, unfortunately I get sidetracked way too easily. Hmmm......

Anyway, I am going to take it one week at a time. This week, week 1, I am aiming to ride for 10mins, three times. Doesn't sound a lot, but I need to start somewhere.

Monday - A lot of snow fell overnight and the girl's school is shut. A fab friend had the kids while I got the horses done, but sadly no riding (lots of snow, lack of time etc...)

Tuesday - Still lots of snow, but the girl is back to school. Managed to lunge the mare for about 4minutes in the snow filled arena. Still, better than nothing.

Wednesday - the boy had an epic nap - yay! So a fairly relaxed afternoon doing the horses and I managed to sit on the mare, I  wouldn't call it riding as it was at walk in a snow filled arena for less than 10mins, but at least I remembered how to stay on and the mare was reminded that she is not actually feral.

Thursday and Friday - still deep snow, and two poorly children.

Saturday - proper riding! I rode for 5mins in the arena, where only the outside track was rideable, then out for a hack around the fields. Was fab! Mare nearly did the splits, followed by a mini bunny hop of a buck, which was interesting (I actually thought I was coming off) Mare came tottering hilariously into the yard on her snow ball high heels like a binge drinker in Stevenage town centre on a Saturday night ;D

Sunday - 20mins in the school on the mare. The snow has completely melted, leaving plenty of puddles. I am disgusted at how unfit the pair of us are, neither of us have any muscle to speak of, both are as weak as kittens and both were plenty worn out from this weekends work. Looks like we have our work cut out.....