Monday - it is very wet here this week, but at least easier to deal with than snow! The gelding has perked up a lot in the last couple of days and his mud fever is at last under control. Feeling a bit stiff after riding at the weekend (quite embarassing really)
Tuesday - Quite productive so far; I am on my second load of washing, I have built a Duplo house and a train track, packed up an 'emergency' box for the car and I am currently making an enormous cottage pie for tonight's dinner, in an attempt to get us eating more healthily (standards have slipped recently) Exercising either horse is looking unlikely today.
Thursday - The gelding is recovering from his mud fever and starting to look quite perky. A friend came up to ride with a view to making it a more regular thing, but unfortunately the mare was a complete and utter trollop! Turns out she has wrenched herself pretty badly (when she slipped at the weekend) and is quite sore, so a week of loose lunging ahead. Drag hunting is looking unlikely :(
Friday - This morning I took the boy to soft play in an attempt to wear him out, it worked a treat! So I had plenty of time to loose lunge the mare, she was quieter than usual, which is no bad thing!
Sunday - I have managed to lunge the mare yesterday and today and I am happy to say there is a definite improvement. The gelding has been loose schooled too and looking very pleased with himself. He doesn't seem to realise he is not attached to a lunge line and so trots around you in a perfect circle, the strange beast!