Monday, 23 June 2014

Another ODE!

On Sunday we competed in a team competition at our Riding Club Area Horse Trials.

We had a dressage time of 9.30am, and with a 1.5hr journey time meant it was an early start!

I packed an enormous picnic (one of my biggest fears is running out of food!) the horse and a whole boot full of necessary gear, add one husband and two small people and we were on our way.

We managed to get there in plenty of time, so found the loos, Secretary tent, burger and ice cream vans, then set about plaiting the horse.

The dressage warm up was huge which was rather nice, especially if you do a proper warm up. Myself I usually just have a good canter round then walk around aimlessly getting in people's way! (not intentionally, everyone else just seems so focused and very few of them actually look where they're going)

Our test went well. It was nothing special, a bit flat and quiet, but as I have been trying hard to keep everything quiet and relaxed, it was just what we needed. We managed a score of 39.5 which I was delighted with, especially seeing as my aim was to get below 40. We got straight 6's except for my riding which I got a 7 for.

We went back to the trailer for a short breather and a change of tack, this is when I realised I had only brought 3 brushing boots with me, which was rather clever. Thankfully little mare only has front shoes on, so we just put front boots on, and didn't worry too much about it.

Little horse seemed a bit warm and flat, until she saw a jump! Then suddenly perked up. We produced a fantastic round, the best she has ever done and the best I have ever ridden. Huge smiles all round.

It was starting to get very hot by the time we went xc, so we kept the warm up brief. She stood in the start box snoozing and giving cuddles to the starter who thought she was very cute. 

As soon as we got going she was flying. This horse really loves her jumping. We jumped lots of things we've never seen before, and due to navigational error managed to approach a fence from the side. Thankfully my mare is a saint and thought nothing of jumping this fence from less than a stride away. We decided to go the trickier route at the water which meant we ended up with a stop, but I still think it was the right decision, because we need to see different types of jumps, and she is good enough to go once she's figured it out, which she did. We then stormed home, with a total of 40 faults - 20 for our stop and 20 time faults.

The rest of the team also did well and everyone felt pleased with their results. Unfortunately we didn't really get placed (6th out of 6 isn't really a place) but everyone felt they had achieved something which matters more.

Sadly, I really am bitten by the eventing bug, but just can't justify affiliated prices. So desperately on the hunt for some unaffiliated One Day Events in the area. 

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Sunny evening riding lessons, a picnic tea and impromptu ballet lesson.

I had booked a riding lesson for Wednesday evening. I can't really afford lessons weekly, but try to budget in some kind of training each month.

A friend of mine has started riding our gelding, and I thought us both having a lesson would be beneficial.

As is always the way, my poor husband had had to swap on call duties so ended up being on call that evening. But a picnic tea and a warm, sunny evening meant the children were quite happy sat outside the school while we rode. I had only occasionally to answer to "Mummy!" Or to  bellow across the school at them to quiet down or get out of the long grass as the horses (well, the gelding) thought they were monsters. They had a wonderful evening staying up late and running around. At one point my daughter was giving her brother and two other liveries a ballet lesson.

The lesson itself went well too. The mare and I are continuing to make progress with our flatwork, and my friend and the gelding seemed to achieve a lot too. Poor thing was made to do sitting trot though, and when asked how she was feeling the next day, said she woke up wondering if she was in labour, or whether it was the sitting trot! (Decided it was the sitting trot, mostly due to her not actually being pregnant)

The kids are a little more tired and ratty than usual from their late night, but mostly coped very well. It's always nice when things work out better than expected!